January 2013 Notes from Dr. Frye

Wow, has the month moved quickly again! I cannot believe that the holidays are behind us and it is onward toward a new year. It seems like just yesterday that I was able to see my birthday/Christmas present to fruition. I was invited to go to the Rose Bowl Football Game in Pasadena and watch the Cardinal of Stanford beat the Wolverines of Wisconsin for the 99th Tournament of Roses. It is the second time in my life that I have been to the Rose Bowl Game and the last one ended in a win too for the then Stanford Indians against the Ohio State Buckeyes back in 1972. It was a grand time and really a lot of fun! Not sure how many of you watched the game, but it really did come down to the last 2 minutes of play time.
Anyway, that was my holiday bright spot and definitely brighter than the flooding we had at the hospital during that huge downpour in early December. Eye witnesses said that the water just came up out of the streets and down from the sky and then just rose up against our building. Unfortunately, we did not consider our space to be in a flood zone so we did not get any sandbags for the potential disaster. Won’t happen again! Luckily, the flooding was not too great. We had to replace are repair some of the drywall that was water logged and I spent a couple of days steam cleaning and getting up all the water from the floors. When you come in now, you won’t be able to tell. A great big thank you and shout out goes to my landlord Zsolt and my best friend and his brother, Enrique and Edgar Vazquez (best guys for getting things done quickly and right when you need it) for being there once again to get me through a flooding of my office (possibly more on that later).
Through the whole “trauma” – wasn’t really but what the hey – we were open and my clientele were great as always. Gosh I love my job!!!
Our surgery suite is complete with a heated table and the use of electrocautery, full 10-point monitoring including, but not limited to, SpCO2, SpO2, Blood Pressure, Respiration rate, ECG, etc. This monitoring is done via blue tooth (wireless) and can be sent to many monitors throughout the hospital. We are further working to get a CSI feel to our treatment and surgery rooms, so that the animals can be monitored at every stage of their stay. My goal is to utilize the technology that is currently available to better support my medical abilities and the safety of your pet.
The exam rooms are quite luxurious, I must say myself. They are roomy and we have a separate room for cats and dogs. Our goal is to reduce the stressors that your pet experiences when bringing your pet to the veterinarian.
The ambiance of the hospital is one of quiet calm. We are working to get all our pictures on the walls, so if you come to visit, we are nowhere near complete, but we offer a happy place, even in times of great stress when my patient is ill or injured. This is my goal and promise. To provide comfort, relief and quality care whenever and always possible, because I believe that you deserve it, your pet deserves it and I want it that way.
So come by for a drop-in. Say “hi” to the staff and me. We seem to be there all the time and we do like it, and would love to see you as well.
Okay, so I will get more information out there and some interesting items from the news as well. Come back and read more. We will be changing our site and adding photos etc. I will be working on getting information and the latest news items to you, so jump in and enjoy.